National Wine Day

Happy National Wine Day! For the spirited day (pun intended), I wanted to share two of my favorite wines. 

The first is, Carpineto Dogajolo Rosato by Opici Wines. My sister introduced me to this wine and it was love at first sight. I thought the label was gorgeous and what inside the bottle is just as appealing as the outside. I love that it's a nice quality wine that 's reasonably priced as well. If you love rose, this wine is for you!

The second favorite won me over by it's name but I kept coming back because of it's fantastic taste. It's called Lulu Sauvignon Blanc by Hewitson Wines! Naturally, I had to love it! Name aside, it's a wonderful fresh, crisp white wine. I'm also good friends with the chief wine maker and CEO of the company, Dean Hewitson. In fact, I just had lunch with him at Son of a Gun in Los Angeles last week! Here we are sipping on a glass of wine. Wonderful man and wonderful wine. 

No matter what your preference, just be sure to enjoy the day to the fullest with a full glass of wine!